4 Ways Yoga Can Boost Your Creativity

4 Ways Yoga Can Boost Your Creativity

In this fast-moving world, it is difficult to catch up with that hobby or continue with that activity. Every now or then, you tend to leave the activity mid-way. Well, while this could be because of the paucity of time or procrastination, creativity block could also be one of the reasons. Looking for a solution for your creativity block? Congratulations! Your search ends here. In this blog, Azadi Retreat, the best-ever detox retreat in Bali, will be telling you about four fabulous ways of boosting your creativity. So, without wasting any time, let’s get started.

  1. The Morning Headstart.

Dawn marks a new day’s creation. Morning is a great time to start the day with a quiet hour of yoga and meditation. This is something that has been a part of the morning ritual of all the attendees of Azadi Retreat, the best-ever Bali detox retreat Ubud. An effective morning yoga routine can end with pranayama. Practicing yoga has been shown to reduce stress and calm anxiety over time, helping the mind relax naturally into creativity. After morning yoga practice, the day ahead is like a fresh canvas to paint on. At the end of your yoga session, take a journal with you and write down any creative ideas that come up.

  1. Create a creative yoga space.

Yoga and creativity can meld together for an inspiring environment at work and home. To make your space for yoga ready, gather some recorded guided meditations, a favorite chair to sit on, a yoga mat, and some pillows. Now, to add creativity, place some art supplies or musical instruments near your yoga space. Allow yourself at least 15 minutes a day to write, draw or play music in your own “creative yoga corner”.

  1. Meditate and get creative.

Well, regular meditation practice can help you in picking up new skills and possibly uncover hidden talents you didn’t know you had. Your chattering mind gently drops back into its quiet source. When your mind feels overwhelmed and no creative thoughts are materializing, a 10-20 minute meditation can calm the mind so new ideas can naturally surface. Before you kickstart your next book, your next artwork, your next musical piece, just sit for meditation. Make this a habit to get the best results just like the attendees of our emotional wellbeing retreat in Bali.

  1. Sit in the lap of nature.

Summer afternoons are often followed by a dry spell of creativity. If you ever feel the ink of your creativity running dry, simply go out for a walk. If you don’t like strolls, then look for a random walking path nearby. There’s always a walking path nearby or at some distance that meanders into fields of dense brush – great for taking in deep breaths of air and creative ideas. Get there and find a good spot. Just sit there and see the flowers grow and the birds chirp. At least ten to 15 minutes of observing nature will revive your mind with a fresh new creative start. Now, take out your journal. On the page, write down a central theme and circle it. For the next few minutes, keep writing down any thoughts that come to you relating to your central theme. Circle each new word and draw a connecting line to the main word. When your mind comes to a natural stop, you have completed the exercise. This is the art of self healing retreat in Bali.

Sounds intriguing, right? Give these a try and share your experience with us. We hope that you get a plethora of creative ideas by performing yoga and yogic practices every day. Reach out to us now at https://azadiretreat.com/

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