7 Types of Yoga Teachers

7 Types of Yoga Teachers

In the past few years, the profession of yoga teacher has managed to add its name to the list of the top 100 in-demand professions of the world. With this, more and more people are getting indulged in this profession. While those who are already yoga teachers and are teaching around the world hail from a plethora of backgrounds, they all share the common denominator of spirituality, healing, and personal and physical development through asanas. There are similarities between us all, however many yoga teachers also share the same biased natures in their teaching styles and identities. Today, in this blog, Azadi Retreat, the best Bali retreat yoga, will tell you about seven types of yoga teachers. Hang tight and read till the end:

TYPE #1: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAttention!” Yoga Teacher
Have you seen that yoga teacher who is too disciplined and obsessed with schedules? The one whose classes give a militant camp feel? There are many yoga teachers that are authoritative and always throw the more challenging poses into the mix and really enjoy pushing their students to their limits.

TYPE #2: Golden Halo Yoga Teacher
Can you visualize that golden halo over your teacher’s head during a yoga retreat Ubud? Well, we bet you can.
Such a teacher normally comes in the form dressed in white, embodies a higher spiritualistic sense of self, has a strong emphasis on using mantras within their classes, and will glare into your soul by staring deep into their student’s eyes. Well, having a strong philosophical insight and sharing it with others isn’t bad at all. Or, is it?

TYPE #3: “On Your Mats, Always” Yoga Teacher
Are you made to play the floor lava game when a particular yoga teacher is teaching? Well, these type of teachers conducts their whole class whilst practicing along and instructing the students whilst doing so. It’s fine but in the long run, it might become monotonous. So, we recommend such teachers walk around the space and make use of physical adjustments.

TYPE #4: “1, 2, 3, Pose, Breath and Drishti!” Yoga Teacher
Strictly speaking, when teaching traditional Ashtanga that is all you need. We all know Ashtanga isn’t the easiest of styles of yoga to grasp as a student, therefore not sticking to the script will help you explain the tougher asanas and make the practice more personal and achievable for a wide range of students that you have in front of you. Such teachers can do it in a more fun and engaging. Build your beautiful personality into the beauty that is Ashtanga.

TYPE #5: “Post this, Upload that one” Yoga Teacher
Well, we are all guilty of a little Instagram video, picture of an inversion, or post of a flow that we particularly like – however, it’s not something to be focusing on whilst teaching. You want your students to feel that they have your presence and attention whilst you’re teaching them. It is recommended to save the pictures and videos for after class.

TYPE #6: One who is obsessed wth DJ Yoga.
Have you been to the yoga class where your teacher is more focused on the beats? There is nothing quite like the perfectly curated playlist and designing a sequence that flows alongside it. The use of music tunes almost every asana up!

TYPE 7: All-rounder Yoga Teacher
They are the best since they have a strong sense of self-practice. They are able to guide their students in an authentic nature, whilst safely adjusting throughout the class, understanding how to work the room all whilst having fun and making their classes unique and challenging at the same time! Wish to learn from such a yoga teacher? Meet them at Azadi Retreat, the best yoga retreat in Bali, by signing up now at https://azadiretreat.com/.

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