How to do Daily Detox?

How to do a Daily Detox?

In this fast-paced world what most of us need is a detox. It could be in the form of a detox retreat in Bali or a Zoom meditation session with your friends. For most of us, a daily detox is a big no-no. While some of us stick to our detox sessions for a while, but tend to give up after a few days. This also happens because one starts disregarding the need for a daily detox. In this article, Azadi Retreat, the best Bali detox retreat Ubud, will be telling you anything and everything about a daily detox, and how to go ahead with it almost every day. So, let’s get started!

What is a detox?
First things first, what is detox? Well, detox, the short form of detoxification is the natural removal of toxins from the body. We know that our liver, kidneys, and intestines are doing this work continuously for us every second. Then, why is there the need to have an additional detoxification program for the body?
Well, we are exposed to a plethora of harmful chemicals via our food platters, the air we inhale, body and face products we use as well as other things. Some of these are very harmful and can cause potential damage. To make the liver and kidneys more efficient, one is recommended to undergo detox. It could be carried out in the form of some healthy practices including attending a self healing retreat in Bali, which subsequently help to flush the toxins out.
Moreover, there are various detox diets ranging from total starvation fasts to juice fasts, to food modification approaches and those that often involve the use of laxatives, vitamins, minerals, and other “cleansing foods”. These all subject the body to undue stress and work only for the time being. It is to be noted that some detox diets, when undertaken without any medical consultation, can reduce energy levels as well as appetite. Hence, if you have a dwindling medical history, then it is recommended to take up detoxification on medical consultation only.

How to do a daily detox?
Detox should be a lifestyle change where the focus is more on eating clean food. It results in the cleansing of the body, nourishing and recharging it. One should first focus on reducing the toxin load on the body followed by the consumption of such foods, which can provide healthy nutrients that will help in refueling the body. These toxins are usually the reason for stalled weight loss despite exercise and the right diet. The focus should be to detox all aspects of life. So, adopting the right program can boost one’s health and help in weight loss. It will also make one feel happier and healthier from within. This is how you can incorporate daily detox:

Keeping yourself hydrated.
Drinking enough water is key for the success of any detox diet. It’s recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Because it has zero calories, water is the perfect 1-day detox cleanse drink.

Sip some green tea.
Green tea has been shown in studies to boost metabolism and may help you lose weight in the long term. Drinking this beverage can help boost metabolism by preventing enzymes that build fat. We recommend drinking it plain, but if you enjoy sweeter teas, then it is okay to add a little bit of sweetener to your tea. In addition to that, it reduces inflammation of the gut, helps clear the digestive tract, and reduces the effects of acid reflux in people who are sensitive to caffeine. Thus, it keeps your bowel happy!

Don’t consume too much protein.
We agree that protein is important for maintaining healthy muscles and tissues, but avoiding certain protein foods like dairy products and red meat can help reduce saturated fats and support overall weight loss goals. Protein-rich milk is also high in natural sugars (called “lactose”) which may be difficult to digest when consumed on a detox diet. Instead, choose unsweetened almond or coconut milk.

Choose low-carb meals and ditch processed food.
At one of the most popular wellness retreat in Bali for women, the attendees are served plant-based meals to detoxify their bodies. This is because the resident chef knows that there are certain vegetables are low in carbohydrates and fit well with a detox diet. You can use low-carb veggies to prepare side dishes or combine them with high-protein foods for main dishes. The processed foods that we consume tend to be high in added sugars and saturated fats.

So, these were certain ways in which one can incorporate daily detox into his life. Wish to take an emotional wellbeing retreat in Bali? Well, Azadi Retreat is the place for you. Take out your yoga mats and stay, eat, and relax in the lap of nature. Sign-up now at

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