How Yoga Can Affect A Student’s Academic Performance?

How Yoga Can Affect A Student’s Academic Performance?

Because of the cutthroat competition anywhere and everywhere, a student’s academic life is synonymous with stress, anxiety, and depression. In such times, you feel overwhelmed. Taking a break might not be the right choice now and going with the flow is too draining for you. What should one do in such a case? Well, yoga can be of great help. Performing yoga not only refreshes your body but also rejuvenates your senses and makes you feel good. Wondering how can regular yoga practice affect a student’s academic performance? In this blog, Azadi Retreat where you can book affordable yoga retreat in Bali, will be telling you all about it. So, without any further ado, let’s start reading.

  • Be physically and mentally healthy with yoga.

When a student needs to study long hours for major exams, their body is bound to be fatigued. Yoga, aerobic exercises, dancing, and more exercise routines that involve the body’s upper and lower regions help decrease the risk of coronary diseases and depression. Exercise is a highly recommended approach for achieving optimal physical health. Low-intensity exercises increase our body’s energy levels, and this is ideal for counteracting fatigue, one of the biggest struggles of a student. Yoga also helps stabilize the heart rate and enhances cardiovascular functions. The attendees of our handpicked yoga retreat in Bali have validated this. As a form of meditation, yoga also keeps the nervous system healthy. Doing yoga while taking a break from your hours-long studying enhances brain function and reduces the risk of anxiety, stress, and depression. 

  • Enhance Memory Retention.

The protein that your body generates during exercise responds well to the region in the brain that is responsible for memory retention. If you’re a student, you should know that regular exercise boosts your memory. For those who barely remember names, a recent study on Perpetual and Motor Skills concluded that women performed higher, or by about 20% more, in memory tests conducted after an exercise on the treadmill. Problem-solving skills are also enhanced by at least 20%. Did you know that the intensity of your workout also makes a big difference? Following intensive exercises, individuals tend to learn and remember vocabulary words better. More intensive exercises lead to an increase in epinephrine, dopamine, and BDNF levels in the brain. For enhanced memory, why not take study breaks and work out?

  • Concentrate in a much better manner.

According to research, exercises performed in as little as 20 minutes before studying or as a study break can boost concentration. Intense activities such as aerobics, jogging, or brisk walking can promote better circulation of blood from your body to the brain. This, in turn, enables effective cell growth for learning and cognition. Various forms of exercise have an impact on the brain in several ways. This implies that certain types of physical activities are better than others at enhancing your sense of focus. When doing yoga to take breaks from studying, try yoga positions that promote discipline and focus. Another research concluded that any physical activity enhances your brain’s capacities, improves your intelligence quotient (IQ), and builds concentration. When you’re studying and you end up losing focus, get up, do five minutes of walking, or do some stretching. Just be sure to warm up before attempting to stretch. Or why not brisk walk to the next neighborhood and reap the benefits?

  • Keep Mood Swings at Bay.

Studying can be stress-inducing. The mere thought of the sheer amount of academic work that you need to work on can tremendously affect your mood and cause you to be out of focus and feel strained. If you seem to be always in a funky mood and have staying interested in studying, exercise may be the answer. Exercising works by easing your tension and lowering your stress levels. It lets you handle mild to moderate depression effectively. The attendees practicing the art of self healing retreat in Bali have felt the same. If you spend time working out or doing yoga right before studying or during your study breaks, you will be in a positive mood for learning. 

Sounds great, right? Those who wish to reap the benefits of yoga are more than welcome to our all inclusive yoga retreat in Bali. Enrol now at

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