What is Unplugged & Slow Travel?

What is Unplugged & Slow Travel?

To unplug means to disconnect, but what exactly are we taking ourselves away from? Like pulling the cord when your laptop battery is full we do this to prevent damaging the battery; the same ideas can be implemented in our lives. When our daily duties get too overwhelming and we burn out we might need time to recharge before we can power through again fully energized.

You may be thinking of it as taking a break from screens and the overbearing desire to scroll through social media, but I’m talking about a complete break from the routine of your life instead. There has been much research to support that spending time in nature (something we don’t do very often) can ease and heal the mind. Living in Bali I am constantly surrounded by beautiful sceneries, yet I often work inside the comfort of my own home. It’s time to change that!

I feel I need time to unplug and unwind and travel at my own pace with an open heart and open mind – and I’m willing to try new things in order to complete this quest. I’ve been looking into an all-inclusive yoga retreat in Bali. I don’t practice yoga as much as I wished I did but that’s the perfect thing about plunging into an emotional wellness retreat like this! I am free to move at my own pace. Azadi Retreat offers 2x daily yoga classes where I can choose what style of yoga I\’d like to practice as well as fully connect with the teachers. This means I don’t have to worry about disrupting a class as I struggle to learn a flow or pose.

During my emotional well-being retreat in Bali, I am also looking forward to learning more about meditation; a practice that involves using mindfulness to fully center my thoughts. I feel that I overthink (a lot), so to be able to deal with negative thoughts with a healthier approach and steer a clear path to my goals has me cheering for joy, I’m super excited!

And what’s even better? Daily morning and evening plant-based meals prepared by an in-house chef. Call this the best yoga retreat in 2023! I struggle with painful bloating almost every day of my life. This results in me avoiding certain foods and taking probiotics daily to ease the pain. So the opportunity for my gut to reset through intuitive eating during this luxury yoga retreat is incredible, It’s almost like it was shaped for me. I can fully disconnect from the worries of my diet as well and allow an experienced chef to prepare meals for me daily. Lunch is made by request (and is also complimentary) but I feel I will take this opportunity to explore the Ubud center and try holistic cafes, there are so many options, there so I can get a mix of relaxing and Balinese culture all in one package.

I know this sounds like an ad but trust me it’s not, I’m just looking forward to embarking on a slow travel and unplugged journey. Through unplugging from the everyday struggles of life I can fully let someone take control and enjoy it like the gentle sway of water. It is an immersive journey that is intentional in allowing my mind to breathe – we all need that every once in and while. If you’re looking to do the same, don’t fret and book your own yoga retreat in Bali as well!

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