Yoga for Youth & a Disease-free Life

Yoga for Youth & a Disease-free Life

Today, millions and millions of people are performing a rendition of yoga asanas on their yoga mats in different parts of the world. Wondering why? Because they are aware of the plethora of health benefits that yoga comes up with. With the help of yoga, one can stay young and disease-free. This is what makes yoga the best and the most economical medicine which is available throughout the world. In today’s blog, Azadi Retreat, an all inclusive yoga retreat in Bali, brings to you how yoga is deeply ingrained into a youthful and disease-free life. Start reading now.

Health: A Major Concern in this Fast-paced World

In our busy, stressful daily routine, amidst the hustle of work, we often let things that matter fade into the noise. Our minds are constantly on a move but our bodies are often not. We have tried those tiresome diet plans and all kinds of fasting, and went for a walk but kept thinking about that meeting we have tomorrow, all with minimum results and even lesser benefits. However, in the wake of the pandemic that had enveloped the globe and had brought with it the sudden flip in the way of life as we know it, it’s more important now, than ever to keep your body healthy. Staying fit does not necessarily translate to achieving the perfect body or having the best pair of abs. Fitness, contrary to popular belief, is an amalgamation of a healthy mind, body, and soul – to stay young, active, and disease-free. But how to do it? Well, this handpicked yoga retreat in Bali will tell you.

Stay Youthful and Disease-free with Yoga

The easiest and the most economical way to do that is through yogic practices. Considered one of the most important tools for health for people of all ages, it is capable of keeping you young, supple, and immune to various lifestyle-related diseases. A great mode of relaxation, meditation is an integral part of Yoga. It helps keep an individual-centered and has proven to improve concentration as well as reduce stress. It makes you aware of the needs of your body and helps you in striving towards a healthier lifestyle.

Aging, colloquially the archenemy of health, is associated with a natural decline in our memory, concentration, agility, flexibility, and body balance. Today, umpteen ailments and diseases are connected to increasing age, most of them being fatal. Well, fear not. Yoga can help to fight and delay aging. 

The regular practice of yoga can also positively impact our gene expression, cognitive function, and immune response and can counteract various diseases. Practicing yoga at early stages in life can bridge the gap between childhood and adolescence. Yoga can help one to understand what’s going on, and give one the time to step back from everyday life. 

While your body will become more energetic and your skin radiating, yoga can also help curb those obdurations that kick in with increasing age. The breathing exercises help in reducing stress by teaching one coping techniques and helping one to stay calm. Wish to know how? Our yoga experts and teachers have compiled a list of yoga asanas that can help you stay young and healthy. Move to the subsequent section to read it.

Yoga asanas to stay young and healthy

Here you go:

  • The Seated Twist or Bharadvajasana

It helps in reducing double chin and is regularly done by our attendees at Azadi Retreat, the most affordable yoga retreat in Bali

Sit on the ground with your legs crossed. Keep your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you on the floor. Now twist your body and look back. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then return to the original position. Repeat. 

  • The Warrior Pose or Virabhadrasana

It will tone your glutes, calves, and knees. 

Stand straight with feet wide apart. Keep your right foot pointing inward and your left foot, outward. Bend your left knee and stretch out your arm. Look at your left arm. Hold this position for ten seconds and come back to the original position, and repeat on the other side. 

  • The Tree pose or Vrikshasana

It helps in improving body balance and is integral for the art of self healing retreat in Bali

Stand straight in the prayer position and place your left foot on the inner side of the right thigh. Now, inhale and raise your arms above your head. Hold this position for 15 seconds and then come back to the original position. Repeat.

In order to practice yoga amidst plush green surroundings, you can book affordable yoga retreat in Bali at Azadi Retreat. Visit for more information.

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